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Acadian Museum
203 South Broadway
Erath, Louisiana 70533
[email protected]
(337) 456-7729 |


Living Legends Roster
Click any name to see photo and bio. An asterisk (*) indicates the
person is now deceased.
Abshire, Richard Franklin
Abshire, Leo *
Adams, Milton
Akers, James *
Allan, Johnnie
Ancelet, Dr. Barry
Anders, Smiley *
Andrepont, Philip
Arceneaux, Hayley
Aube, Lousay *
Authement, Elmo C. *
Babineaux, Romona
Babineaux, Judge Allen *
Babineaux-Blanco, Kathleen *
Balfa, Nelda
Bares, Senator Allen *
Baudoin, Moisey *
Baudoin, Sr., Wilmer *
Begnaud, Ralph *
Belleau, Herbert
Bergeron, Paul
Bergeron, Pete
Bernard, Alice
Bernard, Betty
Bernard, Lee *
Bernard, Rod *
Berry, Minnie
Bertinot, Gerald *
Bertrand, Dr. John A.
Bienvenu, Marcelle
Bienvenu, Sylvia Segura
Bollich, James
Boudreau, Claude
Boudreaux, Deno Joseph
Boudreaux, Helen
Boudreaux, Evelyn *
Bourgeois, Jr., Clement *
Bourque, Elaine Larcade
Bourque, Ph.D., Darrell
Bradshaw, Jim
Breaux, Richard
Breaux Smith, Gayle
Breaux, Donald *
Brinkhaus, Armand *
Broussard, Danny
Broussard, Donnie
Broussard, Ed
Broussard, Gerald
Broussard, Judge Marcus
Broussard, Arthur Roland *
Broussard, August *
Broussard, Charles E. *
Broussard, Chester Isaac "Pee Wee" *
Broussard, Don Louis *
Broussard, J. Maxie *
Broussard, Ruth *
Broussard, Wallace *
Broussard, Willie *
Broussard, Young A. *
Broussard, Billie Wayne *
Broussard, Daniel *
Broussard, Dr. William J. *
Broussard, Sr., John A.
Broussard, Sr., Brady *
Broussard, Sr., Noe Raymond *
Bruce, Vin *
Bulliard, Janie
Butaud, Gerald
Campbell, James Patrick
Carnahan, Norman
Castille, Hadley J. *
Chapman, Will
Clark, Gladys *
Clavelle, Iva
Comeau, Dr. Jean-Douglas
Conlin, Gloria
Conrad, Glen *
Cormier, Nolan
Cormier, Sheryl
Cormier, Steven
Cormier, Elton *
Courville, Matthew
Creswell, Henery Mack
Creswell, Tim
Darbone, Luderin *
Dardeau, Jimmy
David, Joseph Bernie Wayne *
Delafose, Tony *
Delahoussaye, Vergie *
Delcambre, Euda *
Derouen, Conrad C. *
Domingues, Bill
Domingues, Ed
Doucet, Camey
Doucet, Judge Ned
Douglas, Joe
Dronet, Brandon *
Dronet, Sr, Curney J. *
Duhon, Edwin
Duhon, Dudley *
Duplantis, Armand "Mondo"
Edmondson, Gary
Edwards, Hon. former Gov. Edwin *
Evans, Una Brousard *
Faragher, Dr. John Mack
Fontenot, Mary Alice *
Forcier, Andre
Foster, Governor Mike
Fruge, Mavis
Gagneaux, Stanley *
Gary, Russell *
Gauthier, Lester
Gayneaux, Lester & Dorothy *
Gayneaux, Jr., Ulysse J. *
Gill, Ken
Goutierrez, Lynn *
Granger, Dr. Glynn
Granger, Willis* & Edith *
Guidry, "Nonc" Jules
Guidry, Mary Lou
Guidry, R. Martin
Guidry, Richard J. *
Guidry, Seth *
Guillory, Kristie
Gupta, Drs. Jack & Padmini
Hardy, Paul
Hardy, Minos *
Hayes, Hunter
Hebert, Florine
Hebert, Hazel *
Honore, Lt. Gen. Russel L.
Hulin, T. K.
Huval, Terry
Ieyoub, Richard
Joubert, Curtis
Kearley, Jane
Kendrick, Ethel *
Krogh, Elsbeth
La Fayette, Comte Gilbert
La Fleur, Joseph V. *
LaComb, Sonya
Lalonde, Raymond *
Lamson, Alfred *
Landry, Paul
Landry, Ray
Landry, Richard
Langlinais, Stephen
Larroque, Charles
Laurin, Richard
LeBlanc, Belva & Aldon "Shug" *
LeBlanc, Edmund Morgan
LeBlanc, Leewood
LeBlanc, Shirley & John *
LeBlanc, Stanley
LeBlanc, A. J. *
LeBlanc, Brig. Gen. Robert *
LeBlanc, Clifford *
LeBlanc, Dotsie *
LeBlanc, Dr. Edward *
LeBlanc, Edward Joseph *
LeBlanc, Elwood Paul *
LeBlanc, Paul L. *
LeBlanc, Relie *
LeBlanc, Sr., George *
LeBoeuf, Richard
Lees, Nancy
Lemaire, Sheriff Ray
Lemmon, Justice Harry T.
Lemoine, Burnell
Lenoir, Nicole *
Lerille, Red
Libersat, Louise *
Lopez, Joe *
Louviere, Donald *
Lowe, Robert D. *
Lyons, Chef Roy
Maraist, Christy *
Martin, Junior & Patsy
Marx, Paul
Melancon, Addy
Menard, Randal
Menard, D. L. *
Menard, Lou Ella *
Michot, Freres
Michot, Louis *
Miller, Judge Minos *
Miller, Kermit
Miller, Larry
Miller, Redell
Miller, Ruth *
Montoucet, Don *
Morgan, Jr., Elemore *
Moss, Roxie
Mould, Chef Patrick
Mouton, Senator Edgar
Mouton, Zydeco Joe *
Muise, Norma
Naquin, Kevin
Newman, Jimmy C. *
Norman, Tommy & Jean
Nunez, Jonas Donald *
Nungesser, Billy
Peré, J. B.
Peré, John
Perrault, Estelle
Perrin, Warren and Mary
Perrin, Ella Mae *
Perrin, Jonas *
Peterson, Henry
Petitjean, Dave *
Picard, Shelton C.
Picard, Cecil *
Picard, Earl *
Pierce, Dave
Placer, Maria
Prejean, Clercy
Pretorius, Stephanie
Putnam, Judge Richard *
Ramblers, The Hackberry
Resweber, Pat *
Richard, Becky & Patrick
Richard, Belton *
Richard, Eddie *
Roach, Calvin J. *
Rochefort, Frank *
Rodrigue, George *
Romero, Rogers and Charlotte
Romero, Laura Mae *
Romero, Randy *
Romero, Sr., Rep. Errol
Saloom, Jr., Judge Kaliste *
Sanders, Rev. Perry *
Savoy, Shirley *
Schafer, Linda
Schoeffler, Harold
Segura, Sr., Robert *
Short, Harold
Simon, Allen
Simon, J. Minos *
Soileau, Floyd
Sonnier, Jo-El *
Stansbury, Mike *
Storm, Warren *
Suire, Johnnie *
Sullivan, Robert Desmarais
The Young Aces, (Band)
Thibodeaux, William
Thibodeaux, Cleve *
Thompson, Hugh *
Touchet, Clifford
Touchet, Donna
Touchet, Eva
Touchet, Leo
Touchet, Arconge *
Touchet, Calvin *
Toups, Marlene
Toups, Wayne
Toups, Emery *
Trahan, Brenda & Ray
Trahan, James
Viator, Kira
Vice, Joe
Vice, Farrell *
Villien, Doug
Vincent, Clyde *
Vincent, Inez *
Vincent, Robert B. *
Wadlington, Donald R.
Waggoner, Dr. May
Weil, Gus *
Wilson, Beverly
Wood, Gregory
Zuschlag, Richard *
de Molina Bautista, Jose Manuel
du Nord, Cajuns